Singing Guide: Marin Mazzie

Singing Guide: Marin Mazzie

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning Singing like Marin Mazzie

If you are wishing to learn singing like Marin, there are some techniques and practices that you should follow. Marin was known for her ability to convey emotions through her voice and the richness and depth of her range in musical theater performances. We gathered some useful advice for you to help you improve your singing and approach it like Marin Mazzie did.

Unique Vocal Technique

Marin's unique vocal technique impressed audiences with her ability to portray emotions through her voice. In the iconic musical "Ragtime," where she played the role of Mother, she showcased her amazing vocal range by moving from a lower register to a higher register with ease while singing "Back To Before".

To sing like Marin, you need to develop your mix voice. Your mix voice is when you comfortably transition between your chest voice and your head voice. This technique opens up opportunities to sing higher notes with more ease and efficiency. Practicing with "mixed" notes will allow you to improve your technique and develop your vocal range.

Songs for Practicing Marin's Technique

  • Pitch Training: This game provides a variety of exercises to train breathing, rhythm, and pitch, allowing you to enhance your harmonization skills. You can practice singing and harmonizing in a variety of styles.
  • Singing Course: Singing Carrots offers an unparalleled course with 21 lessons covering all the fundamental vocal techniques. Aiming at beginners, the course explains the theoretical and practical aspects of singing.
  • Search songs by vocal range: Search your favorite songs by vocal range and improve your musical abilities. Whether it's ballads, upbeat pop songs, classic rock or R&B, Singing Carrots has got you covered.

Practical Advice

  • Posture is important. Make sure you stand or sit up straight to improve breathing, allowing for easier singing and precise pitch control. You can check out Singing Carrots' video on good singing posture.
  • Warm-up before any practice or performance. Singing can cause damage to your voice, so to prevent that, you should always do a warm-up before any practice like the one explained in 3 Minute Warm Up.
  • Learn to breathe correctly. Breathing is fundamental to singing. Use Singing Carrots' tips to maintain good habits that build lung capacity and breath support, as showcased in Breath Support.
  • Introduce variation in your singing. Play around with the song by finding new ways to express it through different vocal ranges, tones, and inflections. Be reminded that each song requires a different technique, so you should check out the resource on Classical vs. Pop/Jazz Singing to understand the differences.

By following these tips, you can enhance your vocal abilities, allowing you to approach songs like Marin Mazzie did with emotional depth, interpretive creativity, and vocal dynamism.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.